Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sambhaji : The Poet

Shivaji ensured that  despite the tumultous nature of their lives, his son got the best education befitting a prince. Sambhaji grew up to be a well read person as also a soldier with commendable martial skills.
It can also be concluded from various records available that besides marathi , Sambhaji was versatile in Hindustani and Sanskrit. The Sanskrit treatise Buddhabhushan which is a commentary on various philosophies, cultures and poetry is attributed to Sambhaji. 
Sambhaji was also known for being a patron of arts. He employed a learned man called Keshav Pandit Adhyaksh, to read with him Valmiki's celebrated epic, the Ramayan. As a reward, he gave Keshav ( 1684 A.D.) sixteen hundred small silvercoins known as 'ladis'. The king was also no mean versifier. He is known to have written two books of Hindi poetry, The first was called Nakhshikh, in which he described the pleasures of love. The second was named Nayakabhad. In it he sang the varying charms of the beauties who beguiled his leisure moments.(ref. Kincaid)

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